NoNama DosenJudul Publikasi
1Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdPerilaku Kepemimpinan, Keterampilan Manajerial, Manajemen Konflik, Daya Tahan Stress, dan Kinerja Guru Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2009, Jakarta: LPTK dan ISPI
2Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdHubungan perilaku kepemimpinan, keterampilan manajerial, manajemen konflik, daya tahan stres kerja guru dengan kinerja guru SD Negeri di Kota Ambon, 2009
3Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdManajemen Personalia Guru, 2013, Kanisius, 978-979
4Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdKepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah (Studi Tentang Hubungan Perilaku Kepemimpinan, Keterampilan Manajerial, Menajemen Konflik, Daya Tahan Stres Kerja Guru dengan Kinerja Guru), 2015, ISBN, 258-275
5Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdPerilaku Kepemimpinan, Keterampilan Manajerial, Manajemen Konflik, Daya Tahan Stres, dan Kinerja Guru, 2016, Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
6Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdLeadership Behavior, Organizational Culture, and Teacher Performance, 2016, Online ISSN, 2319-7064
7Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdEffectiveenes Leadership Of Principal, 2017, International Jounal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
8Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdEvaluation of Learning Program in 7th State Senior High School of Ambon, 2018, First Indonesian Communication Forum of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Leaders International Conference on Education 2017 (ICE 2017), 635-641
9Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdComparison of problem based learning and realistic mathematics education to improve students academic performance (2019)
10Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdPrinciple’s leadership style, school climate and teachers’ work motivation, 2019, Proceeding International Seminar on Education
11Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdComparison of problem based learning and realistic mathematics education to improve students academic performance, 2019, Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, 185-197
12Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdEvaluating equitable distribution of teacher in Southwest Maluku regency, Indonesia, 2019, Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 1195-1224
13Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kempa, M.PdThe Ethnomathematics of Tutuwaru Community in The Crafts of Koli Leaf Weaving, 2020, Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika (Jupitek), 71-80,
14Prof. Dr. Patrisius Rahabav, M.SiKepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah di Era Otonomi Pendidikan, 2014, Yigyakarta: Kanisius
15Prof. Dr. Patrisius Rahabav, M.SiThe Effectiveness of Academic Supervision for Teachers, 2016, Journal of Education and Practice, 47-55
16Prof. Dr. Patrisius Rahabav, M.SiThe Implementations Of Education Policy During Covid 19 Outbreak In Indonesia, 2020, International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 84-90
17Prof. Dr. Patrisius Rahabav, M.SiEvaluation of non-formal education management in Maluku Province, Indonesia, 2021
18Prof. Dr. Patrisius Rahabav, M.SiPengaruh pembelajaran Experiential Terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa, 2021, IKRA-ITH HUMANIORA: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora, 1-11
19Prof. Dr. Patrisius Rahabav, M.SiTeacher-Equalization-Policy Implementations in Maluku Province, 2021, Atlantis Press, 362-371
20Dr. Sarlota Singerin, S.Pd., M.PdInfluence of problem based learning model on student mental models, 2020, Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia, 14-23
22Dr. Sarlota Singerin, S.Pd., M.PdPenggunaan Laboratorium Virtual Phet Dalam Model Discovery Learning Pada Materi Gerak Harmonik Sederhana, 2021, Science Map Journal, 47-55
23Dr. Sarlota Singerin, S.Pd., M.PdThe Effect of Academic Supervision on Teacher Pedagocical Competence and Techer Performance: The Role Moderating by Teacher Efficacy, 2021, International jurnal of Elementary Education,
24Dr. Sarlota Singerin, S.Pd., M.PdCollaboration-Based Academic Supervision Model with Peer Evaluation Approach to Improve Pedagogical Competence and Quality of School Performance: The Role of Principal's Motivation as Moderation Variables, 2021, International Journal of Elementary Education, 268-275
25Dr. Sarlota Singerin, S.Pd., M.PdThe effect supervision on Teacher performance through TPACK as Mediating Variable, 2022, Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 39-51
26Dr. Sumarni Rumfor, SE., M.PdThe Analysis of Relationship Between Parenting Pattern, Demographic Variables, Adversity Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence, 2023, Journal on Education, 16081-16087
27Dr. Sumarni Rumfor, SE., M.PdDevelopment of Flashcard Media in Improving Cultural Knowledge of Early Childhood Students, 2023, Journal of Childhood Development, 71-78
28Dr. Sumarni Rumfor, SE., M.PdThe Analysis of Teacher Efforts to Developing Students Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Intelligence in Learning Activities, Journal on Education, 11661-11666
29Beatrix Tomasila, S.Pd., M.PdAnalisis Peran Komite Sekolah Dalam Pelaksanaan Fungsi Manajemen Pendidikan di SD Negeri 1 Amahusu, 2021, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia (JIIPI), 57-62
30Vando Kristi Makaruku, S.Pd., M.PdImplementasi Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Cuci Negeri dalam Pembelajaran IPS, 2020, JTP-Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan, 1-12
31Vando Kristi Makaruku, S.Pd., M.PdGratitude Profile Among High School Students During Covid-19 Pandemic , 2021, International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others, 608-613
32Vando Kristi Makaruku, S.Pd., M.PdManajemen dan Penerapan Pembelajaran Sistem Revolusi Industri 4.0 dalam Pembelajaran pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kota Ambon, 2021, JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA (JIIPI), 49-56